PAASE Charity Golf Day – 2023

Golf day 2023

PAASE recently held their now annual charity golf day in aid of our chosen charity, Walking with the Wounded. WWTW was established in 2010 to help those that have served in the military get back on their feet after being mentally, socially, or physically wounded.

In 2022 WWTW supported 2,304 individuals and without vital donations this work just would not be possible.

At a very hot charity golf day on Friday 8th September, some of the PAASE team raised some much-needed funds.

The day took place at Mill Hill Golf Club on one of the hottest days we’ve seen this summer, but that didn’t stop our keen golfers. First up was a good breakfast to fuel up and a message from our charity WWTW then it was onto the golf course. We teed off at 10am and had plenty of drinks and snacks provided from a buggy stocked by WWTW.

There were lots of OOHs and AHHs and plenty of hot heads but that did not stop us raising a whopping £770 for this super important charity. Awards and prizes were handed out at the end of our 18 holes and a well-deserved lunch was had by all.

1st place prize was jointly won by the pairing of Sam Jackson from Big Commerce and Matt Johnson at who both received a £75 voucher for Function 18. Following in a close 2nd place was Paul Rogers from Vervaunt and Eddy Swindell from Fresh Relevance, who each received a bottle of Liquid Diamond prosecco.

Well done to Josh at Vervaunt for the longest drive and our very own Dave Manson who was our nearest the pin winner.

A special thank you to Giles from who won the Taylormade Golf Bag and very kindly donated it back for a live auction which raised a further £160 contributing towards our total of £770.

PAASE would like to thank our partners who made this day possible – Fresh Relevance, Big Commerce, and Onepilot.

What do you think – another golf day next year or not?

Golf day 2023
Golf day 2023
Golf day 2023
Golf day 2023
Golf day 2023
Golf day 2023